019-020: Rattata, Raticate
Generic Epithet: Dentisorex ("tooth-rat")
- "dēns, dentis " - tooth + "sōrex, sōricis " - rat
- -- > [ denti- ] + [ sōric- ] -- stems
- -- > [ dentisōric- ] -- new stem
- = "dentisōrex " -- new Latin word meaning tooth-rat
Specific Epithets:
- Rattata: Dentisorex lascivus ("mischievous tooth-rat")
- Raticate: Dentisorex magnidens ("big-toothed tooth-rat")
- "magnus -a -um " - big + "dēns, dentis " - tooth
- -- > [ magno- ] + [ dent- ] -- stems
- -- > [ magno- ] + connecting vowel -i- + [ dent- ] -- components
- -- > [ magni- ] + [ dent- ] -- connecting vowel assimilates final o in [ magno- ]
- -- > [ magnident- ] -- new stem
- = "magnidens, magnidens, magnidens " -- new Latin adjective meaning big-toothed (cf. bidens, tridens)
021-022: Spearow, Fearow
Generic Epithet: Accipitripasser ("hawk-sparrow")
- "accipiter, accipitris " - hawk + "passer, passeris " - sparrow
- -- > [ accipitr- ] + [ passer- ] -- stems
- -- > [ accipitr- ] + connecting vowel -i- + [ passer- ] -- components
- -- > [ accipitripasser- ] -- new stem
- = "accipitripasser, accipitripasseris " -- new Latin word meaning hawk-sparrow
Specific Epithets:
- Spearow: Accipitripasser volitans ("flitting hawk-sparrow")
- Fearow: Accipitripasser involans ("swooping hawk-sparrow")
023-024: Ekans, Arbok
Generic Epithet: Toxicanguis ("poisonous-snake")
- "toxicus -a -um " - poisonous + "anguis, anguis " - snake
- -- > [ toxico- ] + [ angui- ] -- stems
- -- > [ toxic- ] + [ angui- ] -- starting a in [ angui- ] assimilates ending o in [ toxico- ]
- -- > [ toxicangui- ] -- new stem
- = "toxicanguis, toxicanguis " -- new Latin word meaning poisonous-snake
Specific Epithets:
- Ekans: Toxicanguis ovivorus ("egg-eating poisonous-snake")
- Arbok: Toxicanguis constrictor ("constricting poisonous-snake")
172, 025-026: Pichu, Pikachu, Raichu
Generic Epithet: Electricimus ("electric-mouse")
- "ēlectricus -a -um " - electric + "mūs, muris " - mouse
- -- > [ ēlectrico- ] + [ muri- ] -- stems
- -- > [ ēlectrico- ] + connecting vowel -i- + [ muri- ] -- components
- -- > [ ēlectrici- ] + [ muri- ] -- connecting vowel assimilates ending o in [ ēlectrico- ]
- -- > [ ēlectricimuri- ] -- new stem
- = "ēlectricimūs, ēlectricimuris " - new Latin word meaning electric-mouse
Specific Epithets:
- Pichu: Electricimus scintillans ("sparking electric-mouse")
- Pikachu: Electricimus fulguribuccatus ("thunderbolt-cheeked electric-mouse")
- "fulgur, fulguris " - thunderbolt + "bucca, buccae " - cheek
- -- > [ fulgur- ] + [ buccā- ] -- stems
- -- > [ fulgur- ] + connecting vowel -i- + [ buccā- ] -- components
- -- > [ fulguribuccā- ] -- new stem implying thunderbolt-cheeks
- -- > [ fulguribuccā- ] + [ āto- ] -- stem of -ātus -a -um, the suffix meaning "provided with"
- -- > [ fulguribucc- ] + [ āto- ] -- starting ā in [ āto- ] assimilates ending ā in [ fulguribucc- ]
- -- > [ fulguribuccāto- ] -- new stem
- = "fulguribuccātus -a -um " -- new Latin adjective meaning thunderbolt-cheeked.
- Raichu: Electricimus fulminatus ("lightning-armed electric-mouse")
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